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In electonic format: This pocket-sized guidebook helps deal with finding peace in everyday challenges. As a collection of spiritual practices, this book is profound and still easy to understand. With deep insight in so few pages, this is a quick read that will last you a lifetime.


This is the debut book of Nicholas Quazzy Herd, "This book was designed to help people get through some of their darkest times. I wanted to make something that was simple to read, but take a lifetime to discover. I wanted to make something that people could open every day and use it as a source of light, inspiration, and eventually liberation. I’m so grateful for everyone who helped me get this book done, everybody who read a draft, and had feedback, And also my students who encouraged me to keepin striving for greatness. I hope everyone takes some time to get this book, and I hope that it helps you with whatever you’re gonna do. You’re not alone. We are all connected."

The Conscious Intersection E-Book

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